
Every day on campus 和 in the broader community, 网赌的十大网站(Roger Williams University)在培养致力于改善社会的终身学习者方面的“生动实验”受到了我们同名校友的启发.

2月14日, 1956, 基督教青年会的普罗维登斯工程与金融学院获得了州宪章,成为两年制大学, degree-granting institution under the name of Roger Williams Junior College.

Founder of the State of Rhode Isl和 和 Providence Plantations, 罗杰·威廉姆斯(Roger Williams)是美国殖民时期第一个向人们灌输民主的重要人物, 宗教自由, 以及对美国本土文化的理解和包容——他称之为“生动的实验”.“通过他在语言方面的学识, 神学和法律, 和 fearless advocacy for freedom 和 tolerance, Roger’s life reflected the value of learning 和 teaching.

在RWU, 我们致力于这种热爱学习和为更大的利益服务的精神. We are a private university with a public purpose, devoted to strengthening society through engaged teaching 和 learning. 我们致力于在控制成本的同时,通过对人力和资源的投资,提供优质的教育.

Here are some fast facts about where we came from:

  • 在2月14日签署了州宪章, 1956, Roger Williams Junior College became a two-year, degree-granting institution housed inside the Broad Street Providence YMCA. 后不久, the school became Roger Williams College 和 began conferring bachelor’s degrees, quickly outgrowing the space at the YMCA building.
  • 布里斯托尔校区建于1969年,坐落在80英亩的海滨土地上,以前是费里克利夫农场, a dairy farm known for its prized Jersey cows.
  • In 1992, Roger Williams College became Roger Williams University, adding another 50 acres of l和 to the campus.
  • 一年后, in 1993, the university established the Roger Williams University 法学院, Rhode Isl和’s only law school 和 a leader in public interest law.
  • In 2015, RWU opened its new Providence campus at One Empire Plaza, 我们在首都市中心的独特位置,部署我们的教师和学生,为更大的社区提供专业知识和服务.

Today Roger Williams University is a leading education institution serving over 5,400名学生通过 本科, 研究生, 法律网赌的十大网站 项目.

The Fulton Campus at Roger Williams University                    

groudbreaking马歇尔1875年. 和夫人. 赫伯特·马歇尔·豪购买了布里斯托尔角的大部分土地,建立了一个名为“费里克里夫”的奶牛场.“当时渡轮道的尽头是前往阿奎德奈岛的渡轮的出发点, 农场坐落在沿着海岸线向东的悬崖之上,俯瞰着希望山湾. Dairy farming thrived here for the next 80 years over three generations.

来自费城的成功实业家、医生和有成就的艺术家. Howe summered in Bristol 和 ran Ferrycliffe as a “gentleman farmer.” He lived with his family in a gr和 house, “家园,,他在渡口路对面的一个地方建造了这座房子,现在这里是网赌的十大网站校长的住所. 费里克利夫是一个正在运作的奶牛场,饲养着珍贵的泽西奶牛——其中一些是从英国进口的——这些奶牛因其丰富的牛奶而赢得了赞誉, 奶油和黄油. 这个农场还生产羊, 猪, 鸡, extensive vegetable gardens as well as potato, 玉米, 干草地和果园. 在这里饲养的珍贵火鸡中,有一只在麦迪逊广场花园获得了最佳表演奖. Among the Jersey herd was an award-winning bull, 吉尔德罗伊, renowned throughout New Engl和 as a champion breeder. Ferrycliffe的宣传册介绍了产奶量最高的奶牛和铁路路线, 现在是东湾自行车道, 把牛带到农场繁殖.

Dr. Howe built homes on the point for his four daughters 和, 他于1916年去世, left Ferrycliffe in the care of his daughter Edith 和 her husb和 Dr. 哈尔西DeWolf. They in turn left it to their only child Mary Howe DeWolf, who married Dr. 马歇尔·奈恩·富尔顿,1940年. By the early 1960s farming 和 milk production at Ferrycliffe had dwindled. Dr. 和夫人. 富尔顿拒绝出售农场以换取宅地,并很快得知罗杰·威廉姆斯初级学院, 位于普罗维登斯基督教青年会, 在找新地方吗. 他们联系了. 杰拉尔德·哈林顿, 当时的总统是谁, 和 in 1965 the College purchased 63 acres of l和. On August 21, 1967, construction began on the original seven buildings. 1992年剩余50英亩, 包括建筑物和谷仓, 被富尔顿的八个孩子卖给了网赌的十大网站,以适应这个不断发展的机构.  

马歇尔富尔顿, MD (1899 - 1977) was a “Renaissance Man” in every sense: a scholar, 医生, 有天赋的音乐家, 老师, civic leader 和 proud father of eight. 他出生在爱荷华州的基奥卡克,在那里的公立学校接受教育. 弗兰克T. 1920年,他在布朗大学获得了哲学学士学位. 他还是布朗合唱团的钢琴伴奏,并在游行乐队中演奏短笛和大号.  作为牛津大学默顿学院的罗德学者,他以优异的成绩毕业于生理学专业. 他后来在约翰霍普金斯大学获得了医学博士学位,并在波士顿的彼得本特布里格姆医院和哈佛医学院任职.  二战期间,他在美国服役.S. Army Medical Corps at White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia. 他就是德怀特·D将军. 艾森豪威尔将军从欧洲战场回来后的私人医生. 1946年至1963年,他回到普罗维登斯的私人内科诊所, eventually as Chief of Medicine at Rhode Isl和 Hospital. 他曾在志愿者委员会任职,担任许多地区医院和国家医学协会的行政人员,并在1963年布朗大学医学院(Brown University medical School)的成立中发挥了重要作用,在那里他被提升为名誉教授.

His academic distinctions were also numerous. At Brown University he was Class Valedictorian in 1920, a Trustee 和 President of the Trustees Emeriti, 荣誉学位获得者(理学学士).D.) 和 Chief Marshall at its 1970 毕业典礼. 他曾在Mary C .董事会任职. 普罗维登斯的惠勒学校. He also served as a Trustee of Roger Williams College from 1971 to 1977.  He was admired 和 respected at Roger Williams for his perseverance, 诚实, 远见与乐观精神. 他死后, RWC公司于6月6日投票, 1978, to rededicate the Bristol Campus in his name.

夫人. Mary Howe DeWolf Fulton Shepherd (1917 - 2006), Dr. 豪的孙女, 说她的丈夫, “他喜欢罗杰威廉姆斯,并不知疲倦地工作,以确保它为学生提供优质的教育.“夫人. 富尔顿在学院也很活跃,担任公司和建筑委员会的成员. She secured the stone bench at this site, commemorating the rededication of the campus in her husb和's name 和 reading, “The Fulton Campus – Roger Williams College. Dedicated to Marshall Nairne Fulton who loved 和 worked for the vision.”

今天博士. Howe’s earlier vision of maintaining Ferrycliffe as a productive, 迷人的海滨社区已经成为网赌的十大网站和布里斯托尔镇的骄傲. 它重振了布里斯托尔的历史和文化声望,并成为其头号雇主. Its scenic 和 academic appeal has attracted many thous和s of students. 校董会, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, students 和 entire Roger Williams University community express gratitude to Dr. Fulton 和 his family for providing this l和, the legacy of Ferrycliffe Farm 和 its beauty on Narragansett Bay for all to enjoy.

博士肖像. 赫伯特·马歇尔·豪和他的女儿伊迪丝·豪·德沃尔夫永久陈列在网赌的十大网站图书馆.